Info Evento

Partecipa alla proiezione di ARTIFISHAL a BASE Milano, il nuovo documentario di Patagonia che parla dell’arroganza dell’uomo e dei costi devastanti di vivai e allevamenti ittici.

Siamo pescatori appassionati e abitanti preoccupati del nostro pianeta, vediamo i vivai e gli allevamenti ittici come parte di una tendenza inquietante: il voler ignorare intenzionalmente la scienza a vantaggio di una pura convenienza politica.

In serata, Pier Paolo Gibertoni, Veterinario Ittiologo, Andrea Miccoli, professore di Biologia e Friðleifur Guðmundsson membro di North Atlantic Salmon Fund Icleand, si uniranno a noi per una sessione di domande e risposte dopo il film.

Biglietto acquistabile online o da BASE Milano ad un costo di 5 €.
Tutto Il ricavato della serata andrà all’associazione no-profit Free Rivers Italia.


Join us for ARTIFISHAL, a documentary about the devastating cost of hatcheries, fish farms and human arrogance.

As passionate anglers and concerned residents of our home planet, we view hatcheries and fish farms as part of a disturbing trend: The willful ignorance of scientific fact for political expediency.

During the evening we will be joined by Pier Paolo Gilbertoni (veterinary), Andrea Miccoli (biologist) and Friðleifur Guðmundsson (member of the North Atlantic Salmon Fund Icleand) for a Q&A session after the film.

Tickets at a price of 5€ will be available online and at BASE Milano. All proceeds will go to Free Rivers Italia.

Artifishalis a film about wild rivers and wild fish that explores the high cost—ecological, financial and cultural—ofour mistaken belief that engineered solutions can make up for habitat destruction. The film traces the impact of fishhatcheries, and the extraordinary amount of public money wasted on an industry that hinders wild fish recovery, pollutes our rivers and contributes to the problem it claims to solve. Artifishal also dives beneath the surface of theopen-water fish farm controversy, as citizens work tostop the damage done to public waters and our remaining wildsalmon.