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The Rumjacks - Acoustic Show - Live at Druso Bergamo 22 ottobre 2020

Acoustic Show at Druso

Tutta l’energia della band australiana icona del punk rock celtico in un imperdibile live acustico!

Giovedì 22 Ottobre 2020

Via Antonio Locatelli 17
Ranica BG

Apertura Porte: ore 20:30
Inizio Concerti ore 22:00

+ Posto a sedere
+ Ampio parcheggio gratuito
+ Non è richiesta alcuna tessera
+ Servizio bar attivo

Posti limitatissimi, prevendita consigliata
 Ingresso 10€

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Il Druso riparte mettendo in atto tutte le misure necessarie per garantirvi una serata piacevole in totale sicurezza. All’ingresso vi verrà provata la febbre e non sarà ammesso l’ingresso di persone con temperatura superiore ai 37,5°C. Gli ingressi saranno molto contingentati e si assisterà ai concerti da seduti, assicurando così il necessario distanziamento. Sarà obbligatorio indossare la mascherina almeno fino a quando non sarete seduti al vostro posto e correttamente distanziati. Come da normativa vigente sarà fornito gel sanificante per le mani e sarà garantita l’aerazione e l’igienizzazione degli ambienti.

Ovviamente sarete liberi di muovervi (indossando la mascherina) per ordinare al bar, andare in bagno o uscire a fumare. Chiediamo a tutti il rispetto delle regole e di aiutarci ad evitare assembramenti, con la speranza di poter tornare presto ad abbracciarci sereni tutti appiccicati sotto il nostro palco!


Welcome to 2020 and the world holds its breath for what comes next!
For The Rumjacks; the enforced global shutdown has presented the opportunity for a new beginning, announcing the arrival of Mike Rivkees who will be taking over as lead vocalist. Mike through his previous work has already developed a reputation as a one of the most charismatic, fun and honest frontman in the scene. With his numerous musical influences from; Ska and Hardcore, through to a mix of traditional folk music, Mike’s voice and songs compliment The Rumjacks diverse musical catalogue perfectly: Knowing how Mike worked, his energy, determination, hard work and his love and passion for doing this, has added even more fuel to The Rumjacks fire. -Johnny Mckelvey Hailing from the streets of Sydney Australia, The Rumjacks have been described as a mix between seminal bands The Clash and The Pogues; and, with their energetic live shows they have since departed the Sydney pub scene and are relgulars on the European circuit, 2019 saw them playing at Europe’s legendary festivals: Groez Rock, Wacken Open Air and Hell Fest; as well as previously headlining Mighty Sounds and a main stage appearance at Poland’s massive Woodstock festival. 2019 Also seen massive sold out club shows through out all of France, Romania, Germany and many more. 2020 kicked off with a successful UK tour also resulting in multiple sell out shows around England and Scotland and playing to their biggest UK audiences to date.
With four full length albums under their belt, two full length digital releases ‘Live in Athens’ and ‘Live in London Acoustic Session’; their YouTube channel has blown up with most music videos cracking over 1,000,000 views and the iconic Irish Pub Song now totally over 60 million views; The Rumjacks will be back in the studio recording their fifth studio album ready for release in the new year!
Looking ahead; 2021 will see The Rumjacks release their 5th studio album, and in true Rumjacks fashion; take their acclaimed, energetic live performances to all corners of the world.